C.R. Williams
27th Sep


Welcome to the C.R. Williams blog. Stay tuned for regular posts about all things eye care, from eye examinations to choosing the perfect frames and everything in between.

Taking care of your eyes is very important and often something that many people take for granted. Getting regular eye tests and the correct glasses if you happen to need them can improve your quality of life both in the short term and the long run. If you don't get regular check-ups all sorts of problems can occur from poor vision to serious eye conditions such as glaucoma which can lead to blindness.

It's not all doom and gloom though, if your eye test does show you need glasses you have plenty of options. There are a huge number of stylish frames available to choose from and many find that in a short amount of time they learn to love their glasses. If you're totally against wearing glasses for any reason you could always consider contact lenses.

Keep your eye on the blog for our first real post or simply follow us on Facebook or Twitter to be alerted when it goes up!

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